5 Superfoods to Fulfill Your Blood Deficiency

By Unknown Trip News

Image: theunknowntrip.com

Blood is a vital component of our body. A blood deficiency can cause weakness, poor appetite, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. In this condition, red blood cells or hemoglobin levels decrease significantly, leading to anemia.

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To increase blood or hemoglobin levels, we need to consume iron-rich foods. Here are the best 5 iron-rich foods.

Image - A Mum to Mum

Gooseberry is a good source of Iron. Daily one gooseberry can help to increase your hemoglobin level.



Image - Gardener's Path

Dates are also full of Iron. Consuming 4 Dates daily help in blood deficiency.



Image - The Economic Times

Pomegranate is rich in Iron. About 0.31 milligrams of iron is present per 100 grams of pomegranate. Eating pomegranate three times a week can help increase your red blood cell count. 



Image - Healthy Family Project

Beetroot is one of the iron-rich foods. It also helps to fulfill the iron deficiency in anemia. 



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Take sprouted grains 4 times in a week to increase the blood in the body.


Sprouted Grains

Image - Wikipedia

All the suggestions are not Unknown Trip News's opinion. These information is taken from the internet or media.

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Don't Eat Added Sugar

Image: theunknowntrip.com