7 Biggest Achievements for Humans 

By Satyajit Patra

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Revolution: From Fire to Space Travel - All Incredible Things Listed Here 

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Fire's discovery revolutionized as one of the first breakthroughs in human life. It provided warmth, protection from predators, a way to cook food, and a source of light. 

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1. Fire 

It is also a great discovery when humans first learned to write. This ability allowed them to express their thoughts and knowledge with others and even to save their data through written 

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2. Writing 

The invention of the wheel revolutionized transportation, leading to a rise in trade and facilitating warfare with the movement of heavier loads. 

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3. Wheel 

The printing press revolutionized the mass production of books and information. 

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4. Printing Press 

Before medicine, humans used plants to treat diseases, but their effectiveness was limited, leading to many deaths. However, the great discoveries of medicine and vaccines have significantly increased life expectancy. 

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5. Medicine & Vaccines 

The Internet is one of the world's most breakthrough discoveries. It allows for communication, information access, and global collaboration. 

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6. Internet 

Space Exploration: Unveiling the Unthinkable Universe and Pushing the Boundaries of Technology 

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7. Space Exploration 

These all revolutions are very impactful on our lives.  Now, people are also thinking about caring for our planet and even fighting for human rights. 

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5 Reasons Why You Don't Want to Live on Mars

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