10 Animals That Carry Rabies

By Satyajit Patra

Image: theunknowntrip.com

Rabies is a deadly virus with a mortality rate of nearly 99.9%. It spreads through the bite of infected animals. Here are 10 animals you should be aware of:

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These are the most common rabies carriers in the United States.

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1. Raccoons

Skunks are another carrier of rabies. While their a bite is a serious for health.

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2. Skunks 

Both red foxes and gray foxes are the carrier of rabies virus.

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3. Foxes 

While not all bats have rabies but they are also a carrier.

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4. Bats 

These wild animals are found in many parts of North America.

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5. Coyotes 

Both domestic and feral cats can be rabies carrier. Keep your pets vaccinated.

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6. Cats 

Dogs are also a largest carrier of rabies virus.

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7. Dogs 

While not a common cases are found, monkeys can carry rabies.

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8. Monkeys 

These wild dog are found in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

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9. Jackals 

Ferrets, can also contract rabies if not vaccinated.

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10. Ferrets 

The Secret  Life of  Honeybees

Image: theunknowntrip.com