Top 7 Most Credible UFO Sightings of All Time

By Unknown Trip News

Image: Business Today

According to a US publication, an unknown object dropped from the sky in Aurora, Texas. The object has been described as 'not of this world'.


Aurora, Texas, USA, 1897

Image - Texas Hill Country

A flying saucer was seen to land on Ängelholm, Sweden, after the second world war. Now a concrete monument has been created on that place.


Ängelholm, Sweden, 1946

Image - Wikipedia

A disc-shaped objects has been seen to move at a tremendous speed (estimated 1,932 km/h)


Mount Rainer, Washington, USA, 1947

Image - The Lewiston Tribune

A crumpled silvery aircraft was found, indicating an alien object.


Roswell, New Mexico, USA, 1947

Image - Washington Post

On November 27, 1954, a group of high-speed cigar-shaped UFOs was spotted in Florence, Italy.


Florence, Italy, 1954

Image - Trattoria Zà Zà

A mystery unfolded in Russia when nine people were found dead. Some were naked, others were missing body parts. Strange lights and high radiation levels were observed in the area.


Dyatlov Pass, Russia, 1959

Image - WIRED

A farmer in Emilcin encountered a humanoid being who spoke an unearthly language. The being's craft was pure white and smooth.


Emilcin, Poland, 1978

Image - Wikipedia

Disclaimer: All data is sourced from Google Arts & Culture website

Image - NBC News

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