7 Tips How to Water Your Plants Properly

By Unknown Trip News

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For a gardening lover it is always a big deal to water the plants regularly in proper way, so let's know some best reminder before water.

Image - The Better India

Before watering, stick your finger into the soil to check moisture levels.


Check Soil

Image - Edible Backyard

If the soil is dry and hard, then slowly watering the plant until it drains from the bottom.


Water Deeply

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Overwatering can damage the plant root. So water by checking the level of dryness in soil.


Avoid Overwatering

Image - GardeningSG

Water a plant according to season, don't use similar routine for everyday. plants need water according to Environment changes.



Image - Swan Hose

Cold water can shock the roots. as well as warm water can harm them. so always room-temperature water for your plants.


Room Temperature Water

Image - Real Self-Sufficiency

Wet leaves can promote fungal infection. So try to watering at the base of the plant.


Avoid Watering Leaves

Image - GardenTech

Different plants have different water needs. So Research the specific requirements of your plants.


Plant's Needs

Image - Interior Company

Plants That Only Flower at Night

Image: theunknowntrip.com